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澳洲幸运8 - Curator’s fresh pick of the week


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Pride Month Exclusive: Ginger & Friend

An art print by renowned artist Sabine Pigalle celebrating inclusion and self-expression, available until June 30th.


SINGULART is redefining the art market to make it more inclusive

Since its inception, SINGULART has been committed to a single mission: to encourage artists and designers who share their passion for beauty and leave their mark on the world.

We believe that creativity has an immense power: to express emotions for which there are no words, no matter the language. We support contemporary creators because their creativity opens minds and brings people together. Artists and designers offer us their visions of society through their unique perspectives. Every day, we work hand in hand with them in order to shake up conventions and propose a 3.0 version of the artistic world.

Support contemporary creatives with us and join our community of art and design lovers.

How to buy art on SINGULART

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